Flutter Echo: Living Within Sound by David Toop


Publisher: Ecstatic Peace Library

Year: 2019

Format: Softcover

Edition: First

Condition: New

Musician, composer, writer and sound curator David Toop offers his thoughtful studies on listening and sounds, revealing the breadth of his musical tastes and probing sonic limitations. Here he opens up about his own experiences, musical journeys, bands, collaborations, studies, travels, editorial and curatorial assignments, family, friendships and ideas on community. Flutter Echo is his memoir of a life enchanted with all aspects of music that is witness to some of the most significant events in modern music history. From recording for Brian Eno's Obscure Records imprint in 1975 to co-publishing the radical music magazines Musics and Collusion to developing music programming for the BBC to releasing recordings he made of Yanomami shaman rituals to working with artists such as creative pop icon Björk and Jamaican dub pioneer Prince Far-I. Approaching age 70, Toop shares deeply intimate meditations on the heartbreak and harrowing moments in his personal life, as well as moments of bliss finding truth in sounds, shared vibrations and silence. ‘A memoir,’ he says, ‘is simply a vehicle to talk about the ideas I find important, the difficulties and inspirations of following a life dedicated to marginal music, the richness of collaborative work and the inseparability of life and art.’”

Flutter Echo: Living Within Sound by David Toop} Flutter Echo: Living Within Sound by David Toop}
Flutter Echo: Living Within Sound by David Toop} Flutter Echo: Living Within Sound by David Toop}