Summer of Hate by Chris Kraus


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Publisher: MIT press (Semiotext(e))

Year: 2012

Format: Softcover

Edition: First

Condition: New

Summer of Hate follows middle-aged L.A.-based writer Catt Dunlop - similarly to Kraus, an art critic and occasional professor of cultural studies she sees “no boundary between feeling and thought, sex and philosophy.” The book is infused with Kraus’ self-image and flecked with the likenesses of other non-fictional characters — Kraus’ ex-husband the French cultural theorist Sylvère Lotringer, and poet Eileen Myles go by different names, but are nonetheless accounted for. An exploration of contemporary-ish America (set in 2004), Kraus' novel touches on sex, politics, poverty, exploitation, addiction and love in her typically non didactic style.

Summer of Hate by Chris Kraus} Summer of Hate by Chris Kraus}
Summer of Hate by Chris Kraus} Summer of Hate by Chris Kraus}