Fantastic Architecture, edited by Dick Higgins & Wolf Vostell
Publisher: Primary Information
Year: 2015
Format: Hardcover
Edition: -
Condition: New
Edited by Dick Higgins and Wolf Vostell, this seminal artist's book has not been widely available since its original publication (first in 1969 by Droste Verlag (under the title 'Pop Architecture') and later in 1970 by Something Else Press). Now in a reprinted edition by Primary Information, this anthology explores the boundaries between pop art and architecture through writings and projects by key artists and thinkers of the 1960s and earlier – from John Cage and Buckminster Fuller to Kurt Schwitters and Joseph Beuys.
This edition has retained the original edition's unique design, specifically its mylar inserts, which add unique depth and elaborate upon the publication's core content.